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Civil Engineering :: Surveying

1.  Hydrographic surveys deal with the mapping of
A. large water bodies
B. heavenly bodies
C. mountaineous region
D. canal system
E. movement of clouds.
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option A
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2.  If h is the difference in level between end points separated by l, then the slope correction is . The second term may be neglected if the value of h in a 20 m distance is less than
A. m
B. 1 m
C. 2 m
D. 3 m
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option D
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3.  An ideal vertical curve to join two gradients, is
A. circular
B. parabolic
C. elliptical
D. hyperbolic
E. none of these.
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option B
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4.  Pick up the correct statement from the following :
A. the eyepiece plays no part in defining the line of sight
B. the diaphragm plays no part in defining the line of sight
C. the optical centre of the objective plays no part in defining the line of sight
D. none of these.
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option A
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5.  The intercept of a staff
A. is maximum if the staff is held truly normal to the line of sight.
B. is minimum if the staff is held truly normal to the line of sight.
C. decreases if the staff is tilted away from normal
D. increases if the staff is tilted towards normal.
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option B
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