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Chemical Engineering :: Chemical Engineering Basics

1.  Which one of the following is incombustible ?
A. H2B. CCl4
C. C2H2D. S
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option B
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2.  The softness or hardness of a grinding wheel depends upon the type & amount of bonding material used. For general purpose cutter grinding __________ grinding wheel is normally used.
A. hard
B. soft
C. silicon carbide
D. aluminium oxide
Answer: Option D
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3.  Tin based white metals are used, where bearings are subjected to
A. high pressure & load.
B. low pressure & load.
C. high temperature.
D. large surface wear.
Answer: Option A
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4.  Friction factor for fluid flow in pipe does not depend upon the
A. pipe length.
B. pipe roughness.
C. fluid density & viscosity.
D. mass flow rate of fluid.

5.  All of the following alloying elements of steel increases hardness but sacrifice ductility, except
A. nickelB. vanadium
C. molybdenumD. chromium
Answer: Option A
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6.  The following type of bonding is strongly directional in solids.
A. Vander Waal's
B. Ionic
C. Metallic
D. Covalant
Answer: Option D
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7.  Fog is an example of colloidal system of
A. solid dispersed in gas.
B. solid dispersed in liquid.
C. liquid dispersed in gas.
D. gas dispersed in liquid.
Answer: Option C
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8.  Chromium molybdenum steel can not be welded using __________ welding.
A. thermit
B. electrical resistance
C. oxy-acetylene
D. any of these
Answer: Option B
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9.  Speisses is a mixture of the following:
A. Arsenides of heavy metals.
B. Antimonides of heavy metals.
C. Arsenides & antimonides of heavy metals.
D. Iron, cobalt and nickel.
Answer: Option A
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10.  Auto collimator is used to check
A. flatness
B. angle
C. rotor balancing
D. roughness
Answer: Option B
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