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Civil Engineering :: Hydraulics

1.  A pitot tube is used to measure
A. pressure
B. difference in pressure
C. velocity of flow
D. none of these.
Answer: Option C
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2.  The thickness of a sharp crested weir is kept less than
A. one-third of the height of water on the sill
B. one-half of the height of water on the sill
C. one-fourth of the height of water on the sill
D. two-third of the height of water on the sill
E. none of these.
Answer: Option B
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3.  The property of steam function ψ is :
A. ψ is constant everwhere on any stream line
B. the flow around any path in the fluid is zero for continuous flow
C. the rate of change of ψ with distance in an arbitrary direction, is proportional to the component of velocity normal to that direction
D. the velocity vector may be found by differentiating the stream function
E. all the above.
Answer: Option E
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4.  The maximum vacuum created at the summit of a syphon is
A. 2.7 m of water
B. 7.4 m of water
C. 5.5 m of water
D. none.
Answer: Option B
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5.  If the atmospheric pressure on the surface of an oil tank (sp. gr. 0.8) is 0.1 kg/cm2, the pressure at a depth of 2.5 m, is
A. 1 metre of water
B. 2 metres of water
C. 3 metres of water
D. 3.5 metres of water
E. 4.0 metres of water.
Answer: Option C
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